
autism therapy
  • Counseling/Therapy

    We traverse a path of normal life changes, and each change promotes opportunities and challenges. Viewing problems as opportunities for positive growth, I am trained to alleviate problems, strengthen relationships, and assist people in learning to take advantage of life opportunities.

    Counseling can help prevent small problems from becoming serious. With over 24 years of experience, I help families, couples, and individuals through my work with children, adolescents, and adults.

  • Evaluations

    Children, Teenagers, Adults

    Types: Socio-Educational and Psychological Evaluations

An evaluation is a comprehensive analysis of a person's functioning in three primary areas, learning abilities, personality and adjustment functioning, and academic skills (for children and teenagers). The evaluation is a process of testing, interviewing, and analyzing collateral information that gives the person detailed information about how their brain processes information, with specific recommendations for the individual and other services involved with the person (such as school, therapist, and social worker).

  • Workshops/Trainings/Seminars

    I have conducted numerous workshops and trainings throughout my professional career. Please contact me to discuss your needs.

  • Consultations – Meeting with supervisors, employees, management, I offer practical, comprehensive tools to alleviate conflict and increase productivity within the workplace.

If you would like to set up an appointment for counseling, evaluations, or workplace consultations, either call me at 808.322.9288 or email me at